Patrick Corrigan

Raised in a small Irish Catholic town of Minnesota just south of the Twin Cities, I leaned toward the mystical, spiritual side of life from a very early age, feeling an inner vocation as well as the expectations of those around me from the moment I was born, that I was destined to enter the priesthood. This, mixed with my ever-present deep love of Nature and the Animal Kingdom, makes me realize that I have always walked a shamanic path of some sort or other. When I later 'discovered' Shamanism it was a homecoming and recognition of how I'd already been approaching life. The way I lived my life had a name! And I realized this as the fulfillment of my life-long vocation, just outside the context of the Church.
My other passion has always been Art, Cartooning in particular. All I have ever wanted to be when I grew up, more than anything else in the world, was a cartoonist. I have literally drawn comics for as long as I can remember. I graduated with a BA in Fine Arts, while nurturing my spiritual life at the Benedictine monastery that is the backdrop of St John's University of Collegeville, Minnesota.
My spiritual path after college, through countless books, workshops, and personal experience, wove together many spiritual paths and philosophies. After just reading about shamanism for so many years, I finally took a Shamanic Journey class -- and that changed everything, ramping up my life in ways I could not have even imagined. So I dedicated my path and growth to shamanism, training with local teachers as well as renowned Shamanic Teachers, such as Tom Cowan and Sandra Ingerman. After many years of studying, I found myself on a Vision Quest, sitting in a Washington State Forest for three days, where I was told to teach. My path is "to be shared."
All these elements conspire to create who I have become -- a Cartoonist, a Shamanic Practitioner and Teacher, a Reiki Master, and an Ordained Minister of SHES (International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards).
Weaving together 15+ years of personal experience, extensive shamanic training, and the wisdom of the Helping Spirits, on top of a lifetime of spiritual education, I am here to help return you to who you are and who you are meant to be -- To who you already are.
I currently live in the Seattle area, where I am establishing my Shamanic and Artistic practices while finding time to play with the local Nature Spirits and critters of all kinds, in between naps with my kitty, Keira.
My other passion has always been Art, Cartooning in particular. All I have ever wanted to be when I grew up, more than anything else in the world, was a cartoonist. I have literally drawn comics for as long as I can remember. I graduated with a BA in Fine Arts, while nurturing my spiritual life at the Benedictine monastery that is the backdrop of St John's University of Collegeville, Minnesota.
My spiritual path after college, through countless books, workshops, and personal experience, wove together many spiritual paths and philosophies. After just reading about shamanism for so many years, I finally took a Shamanic Journey class -- and that changed everything, ramping up my life in ways I could not have even imagined. So I dedicated my path and growth to shamanism, training with local teachers as well as renowned Shamanic Teachers, such as Tom Cowan and Sandra Ingerman. After many years of studying, I found myself on a Vision Quest, sitting in a Washington State Forest for three days, where I was told to teach. My path is "to be shared."
All these elements conspire to create who I have become -- a Cartoonist, a Shamanic Practitioner and Teacher, a Reiki Master, and an Ordained Minister of SHES (International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards).
Weaving together 15+ years of personal experience, extensive shamanic training, and the wisdom of the Helping Spirits, on top of a lifetime of spiritual education, I am here to help return you to who you are and who you are meant to be -- To who you already are.
I currently live in the Seattle area, where I am establishing my Shamanic and Artistic practices while finding time to play with the local Nature Spirits and critters of all kinds, in between naps with my kitty, Keira.
If you'd like a chance to get to know me a little better, below is a video interview I did recently for a friend's podcast...
PATRICK CORRIGAN -- (253)336-0383 -- [email protected]