Shamanic cultures believe that when we experience a trauma, part of us leaves to avoid the full brunt of the pain, in Western Medical terms called "Dissociation", which is a great self protection mechanism, but sometimes those parts don't find their way back on their own. This "SOUL LOSS" can be caused by such events as abuse, accidents, or even divorce.
SOUL RETRIEVAL can reunite us with those missing parts, returning to us that lost essense and vitality, and the sense of wholeness that is every person's birthright.
Symptoms of Soul Loss include:
- Dissociation
- Chronic Depression
- Immune deficiency problems
- Feeling like "I've never been myself since ___"
If you'd like to know more about Soul Retrieval and how it may help you, please read the following article written by Sandra Ingerman, the woman who taught me:
VARIATIONS: Within Soul Retrieval there are different variations and applications...
Animals -- Animals, particularly those that live closest to humans, can experience many of the same symptoms of soul loss that we do, particularly in the cases of abused and/or rescue animals, and can benefit from Soul Retrieval much the same as we do.
Soul Remembering -- In the same way a soul piece is retrieved, by traveling back to the point just before your birth (there is no time in 'non-ordinary' reality where the shamanic journey takes place) and finding out what your dream for this life was -- the pure intention of why you were born, before human conditioning and societal expectations covered it -- this original purpose can be returned to you.
Physical Body -- Shamans believe that every organ, system, and part of the human body has its own soul. So it is possible to retrieve the soul of an ailing, or missing, body part to either help heal that part or make the person feel more whole despite, for example, a missing limb or organ.
Land -- Every piece and parcel of land has it's own spirit or soul, and so too can experience soul loss. Therefore, so too can Soul Retrieval be performed to return the spirit of the land. This should, however, be done in an area (from multiple acres to a small garden plot) that is privately owned or can otherwise be stewarded and watched over in order to follow through on the reintegration of Spirit and Earth.
Faery Doctoring-- It is the mission of the Faery to balance the energies between the seen and unseen realms - between their world and ours - and when soul loss occurs in our world due to trauma of some sort, the errant soul part is sometimes appropriated by the Fae to contribute to the energetic balance of our worlds.
(See Faery Doctoring page)
Humans: $250
Animals: $125
--includes main session (about 1 1/2 to 2 hours) and 30 minute follow up 2 weeks later.
payment options and sliding scale available.
Wed through Fri
2nd & 4th Saturdays
Online via Zoom.
By appointment only!
Everyone has Spirit Animal Guides, also called "POWER ANIMALS" who act like guardian angels, watching over us and empowering us. Their job is to tap into Universal Source Energy, step down the higher frequency to one we can physically handle, then plug into us. Sometimes through trauma or other experiences, we become disconnected from our Power Animals which results in "POWER LOSS".
POWER ANIMAL RETRIEVAL can reunite us with these errant Spirit Animals, or connect us to new Power Animals that are appropriate for the purposes of our highest good.
Symptoms of Power Loss include:
- Chronic Misfortune or Accident Prone
- Chronic Illness and/or Depression
- Lack of Will to Live
Humans: $80 (approx. 45 minutes)
Animals: $50
Wed through Fri
2nd & 4th Saturdays
4 Sisters Holistic Remedies
903 S 3rd St, Renton, Washington
or Online via Zoom.
To SCHEDULE the services above or any others
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DISCLAIMER: The services that I provide are for guidance only. What you decide to do with the information that I give you, including any actions you take, is down to your own personal responsibility and choice. All readings and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons we have to advise you that these services are for entertainment purposes only. My services are not a substitute for professional services and it is advised that you should seek advice from the relevant qualified expert.
DISCLAIMER: The services that I provide are for guidance only. What you decide to do with the information that I give you, including any actions you take, is down to your own personal responsibility and choice. All readings and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons we have to advise you that these services are for entertainment purposes only. My services are not a substitute for professional services and it is advised that you should seek advice from the relevant qualified expert.
PATRICK CORRIGAN -- (253)336-0383 -- [email protected]