If you prefer more personal, one-on-one guidance along your path, I offer a couple of options...
Shamanic Coaching Sessions
You are not alone! Let me help bring perspective to your life and its challenges with the tools and wisdom I've gained through my extensive experience and training as a shaman. My goal, through guidance from my spirit guides and yours, is to discover paths to your personal empowerment.
Sessions are 1 hour in length and can occur once or as many times as you want, on a schedule as flexible as needs be to suit your life.
Fees: $100 per session
Personal Mentoring Sessions
For those who wish to explore their shamanic path on a more individual and personal level, I offer one-on-one mentoring. With a balance of structure and flexibility, together with your guides and mine, we explore your unfolding life and purpose - learning shamanic principles and techniques, and then applying them to your specific, individual path.
Because of the nature of shamanism, and the integration processes that are part and parcel of learning the shamanic path, I ask for a minimum 6 session commitment. Sessions are 1 hour in length and can be scheduled weekly, monthly, or custom suited to the student. If desired, mentoring can be extended beyond the original 6 sessions.
Fees: $100 per session
Shamanic Coaching Sessions
You are not alone! Let me help bring perspective to your life and its challenges with the tools and wisdom I've gained through my extensive experience and training as a shaman. My goal, through guidance from my spirit guides and yours, is to discover paths to your personal empowerment.
Sessions are 1 hour in length and can occur once or as many times as you want, on a schedule as flexible as needs be to suit your life.
Fees: $100 per session
Personal Mentoring Sessions
For those who wish to explore their shamanic path on a more individual and personal level, I offer one-on-one mentoring. With a balance of structure and flexibility, together with your guides and mine, we explore your unfolding life and purpose - learning shamanic principles and techniques, and then applying them to your specific, individual path.
Because of the nature of shamanism, and the integration processes that are part and parcel of learning the shamanic path, I ask for a minimum 6 session commitment. Sessions are 1 hour in length and can be scheduled weekly, monthly, or custom suited to the student. If desired, mentoring can be extended beyond the original 6 sessions.
Fees: $100 per session